Something a Bit Different 🎯

Get your mind right and your portfolio will inevitably follow.

This email is going to be a bit different from the ones you normally get from me.

Today, we’re not talking markets or investing.

We’re talking about you. Your past, present and future.

Perhaps the most underrated skill of master investors is the ability to emotionally detach and to live your life with purposeful intention.

Get your mind right and your portfolio will inevitably follow.

Success in the realm of executive coaching (or anywhere else) is a journey defined by three essential pillars: retrospection, present awareness, and forward-looking vision. This holistic approach underscores the vital importance of understanding one's past experiences, staying attuned to the present moment, and envisioning a purposeful future.

By embracing this threefold approach, we ensure that the upcoming year begins with a foundation of self-awareness, laying the groundwork for a future characterized by confidence and purpose.

Highlighting the importance of looking back is a fundamental practice. It's not just about reminiscing; it involves a thoughtful examination of one's past experiences and current situation, all while keeping an eye on future goals.

Encouraging clients to assess both their positive and negative experiences allows them to gather valuable insights, avoiding the repetition of past mistakes and enabling a more informed approach to the future.

The holistic strategy of reflecting on the past, engaging with the present, and planning for the future is at the heart of transformative leadership development. In executive coaching, this trio isn't just a method; it's a philosophy that defines the route to success and leadership greatness. With the right questions and insights gained from this journey, coaches are well-equipped to steer their clients towards realizing their maximum potential, leading to a future that is not only imagined but also pursued with confidence and resolve.

If you'd like a free copy of my 2023 Reflection and 2024 Vision Casting guide, reply "yes" and I'll DM it to you.

If you're a reader of my newsletter, you know 2024 will be filled with challenges.

Let's tackle them head-on with intention and crush 2024. 💪

You’ve got only 2 days left to take advantage of the Christmas 50% off sale on Alpha360 Pro.

You won’t find a better rate or deal all year.

Get the tools to transform your financial future, evaluate investment opportunities in a whole new light and make better decisions about financial markets, business and life. 

Plus you’ll be able to see my exact portfolio and where I’m allocating my funds. 

The bottom line is you could spend the next 3 decades studying markets or pay a financial advisor 10X the amount you’d pay for a Pro Membership - and both options still wouldn’t provide you the type of knowledge or investment returns that I have put up in my career.

Why spend the big fees or thousands of hours to become a master investor when you can just piggyback me and my 30 year track record by seeing my ACTUAL PORTFOLIO in real time?



or to participate.